A list of resources mentioned in Marie's talk at the Dot All 2022 conference.
Marie, our Front-End Team Lead, delivered a talk at the Dot All 2022 conference, organised by Pixel & Tonic (the team behind the Craft CMS), held in New York on 27-29th September.
Watch the video of Marie’s talk.
Here are the links to the resources mentioned in the talk.
Accessible components
- W3C design system: https://design-system.w3.org/
- The Amplify starter kit: https://amplify.studio24.net/amplify/
- The Amplify repo: https://github.com/studio24/amplify
Accessibility resources
- Web Accessibility initiative: https://www.w3.org/WAI/
- axe DevTools website: https://www.deque.com/axe/devtools/
- axe DevTools Chrome extension
- Department for Work and Pensions (UK) accessibility guidance per job role: https://accessibility-manual.dwp.gov.uk/guidance-for-your-job-role
- Accessibility tips for teams, by ABC.net: https://about.abc.net.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/a11y_Tips4Teams.pdf
W3C website and Github repos
- W3C redesign beta website: https://beta.w3.org/
- W3C: https://www.w3.org/
- W3C Craft CMS: unfortunately W3C had to make this repo private for now
- Design system and Symfony template bundle repo: https://github.com/w3c/w3c-website-templates-bundle
- W3C front-end Symfony app repo: https://github.com/w3c/w3c-website-frontend
Working in the open
- Studio 24’s working in the open website: https://w3c.studio24.net/
- Including the CMS selection report: https://w3c.studio24.net/docs/cms-selection-report/