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Studio 24 of Film Festival Gala evening

All posts in Culture, 2 min read, 4th October 2011

Last month Studio 24 held their most successful Gala evening to-date, celebrating the 2011 Cambridge Film Festival at the Arts Picture House in Cambridge, the gala was an opportunity for clients to meet, mingle and watch the exciting Premier of Midnight in Paris.

Julie Moir
Julie Moir

Taming MAMP on the command line (and upgrading PEAR)

All posts in Code, 3 min read, 24th June 2011

MAMP is a great tool to run Apache, PHP and MySQL on your Mac but it doesn't always behave that well on the command line. This article will show you how to tame MAMP, upgrade PEAR and finally install that PHPUnit you've always wanted to!

Simon Jones
Simon Jones